Management Committee


Laurie Henley

Management Committee President

“I’ve been involved with MCC since 2002 and am grateful for the opportunity to be part of  such a pro-active organisation that provides so much positive input for the community – wonderful organisation, wonderful staff.”


Sandi Keogh

Management Committee Treasurer


Terri Goodhew

Management committee secretary

“I became a member of the MISC (now MCC) committee approximately 18 years ago when I was looking to get re-involved in community work after having my daughter.

I am currently Secretary and love being involved in such a dynamic, supportive team bringing much needed services to our community.”

Edward Hastie

Management committee Member

“I enjoy being a part of the comunity and supporting it to grow and develop. Encouraging and having a hand in making  changes to this community is very rewarding.”

David Christenson

Management committee Member

Christine Buckland

Management committee Member