Assisting Communities through Direct Connection(ACDC)

Above is a small snap shot of the findings from the ACDC Door Knocking project we ran from January to May this year.
To your right is Community Report, this outlines in more detail the findings of the surveys our community completed.
Should wish to have a copy of this report, please email
Please note we will be receiving the collective data reports for our area and Australia in the coming months which will be made available on this page also.

Our People Connectors
Siale Jenkins and Falen Stewart
Siale and Falen have door knocked Mareeba for the past 16 weeks. While this project had wrapped up the information and positive impact has continued on. The orange flyers and magnets will have reached every household and hopefully are on most fridges.
Siale and Falen accomplished a monumental feet by door knocking and visiting all homes in the Mareeba township. Where people weren’t home the girls left a little package of information. Siale and Falen where also able to have many conversation with our community about mental health and wellbeing.
With the task to discuss this important topic with as many people as possible and to capture our communities opinions and feedback in a survey, the girls smashed this out of the park with 359 completed.

Assisting Communities through Direct Connection (ACDC)
The ACDC Project offers a different Direct Connection or proactive outreach approach to linking people with services and assessing community needs. The ACDC Project will be conducting safe door-to-door engagement with householders via People Connectors.
People Connectors are engaged by Delivery Partner organisations to conduct doorknocking and have conversations with householders to better understand their needs and concerns. People Connectors discuss the project its benefits and outcomes, deliver information products to householders, and engage willing householders in a survey. Householders will also be offered information and assistance to take steps to connect with services for support.
The ACDC Project is seeking to identify through a door knocking approach the unmet mental health and social and emotional wellbeing needs of householders in various sites across Australia. The project will support the connection of householders to services where possible whilst meeting project outcomes.