Welcome to
Mareeba Community Centre
About MCC inc.
Mareeba Community Centre Inc. is a community-embedded, non-profit organisation providing support services across the Tablelands, with a focus on the Mareeba Shire Council area. Our office is based in Mareeba, on the traditional lands of the Muluridji people.
We run a number of government-funded and self-funded programs which provide general community support (referral assistance, general information, self-help groups etc.), food and financial assistance (Emergency Relief, Community Pantry and No Interest Loan Scheme) and family support services

Our Motto
The MCC motto, “small pieces, big picture” reflects the organisation’s commitment to working in collaboration with and as part of a larger community service network; having a holistic viewpoint, taking into account the numerous ‘pieces’ of a ‘puzzle’ and recognising and celebrating the significance of ‘small steps’ towards recovery
Mareeba Community Centre provides quality responsive programs and services that enhance personal, family and community life, in a culturally appropriate manner.
The Intensive Family Support programs works intensively with families who have multiple and/or complex need that impact on their parenting, family functioning and children’s safety.
Secondary Family Support works with families to reduce harm or risk of harm to children and young people, to prevent crises or problems within families from arising or escalating and to stabilise or maintain family wellbeing.
Youth Connections work with young people, from age 12-25, at risk of entering the criminal justice system, specifically targeting early intervention. Youth Workers provide practical and emotional support through case management focused on education and vocational needs, independent life skills, reducing the risk offending behaviour, peer associations, family relationships and drug and alcohol barriers.
Family and Child Connect is there to support families to connect to the right support to get back on track. For children to develop and grow in healthy and positive ways, they need life to be stable, even when their family faces tough times.If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track.
The centre offers a variety of services including: Information, Advice and Referral; Self help and Social groups; Computer and Internet access; Photocopying Services; Access to visiting services.
Community Transport provides point to point transport with care and can include trips for shopping, attending our local library and medical appointments.
The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) enables community members living on a low income to access interest free loans up to $2000.
Emergency Relief aims to support individuals and families to navigate financial crises and build financial wellbeing, capability and resilience by helping people address immediate needs in times of financial crisis.